Discover YOU. Find your passion, purpose and reason through this 14- Day Soul Clearing. Lula guides those who are energetically blocked to find clarity and purpose as well helping you to step into your most abundant life.

Clearing energy is what Lula Grace is known for, she has helped thousands from around the world achieve even greater heights of joy, prosperity, and happiness.

Energy exists everywhere. You are made up of energy. Sometimes emotional energy becomes stuck. Lula has created this challenge for a radical soul clearing in just 14 days.

So if you are tired of feeling stuck, like there has to be more to life or maybe you are ready to take on that next big thing and you need a soul clearing to be functioning at a higher vibration to attract the abundance that awaits you. You are in the right place to stop doubting your greatness and step into your best life.

TRAVEL through self reflection and begin noticing where energy has become stuck in your life keeping you from your greatness

  • ​LISTEN as Lula guides you through meditations that will help you unlock your true inner desires

  • ​LEARN how to ground your energy using nature as well as breathing techniques that induce peace and tranquility

  • ​DISCOVER how affirmations can re-frame your self talk and create self confidence

  • ​EASE into heart releasing, Lula will gently guide you through exercises of feeling to heal

  • ​UNLEASH the fun of your youth and ignite the passion back into your life

  • ​BEGIN to understand the language of the spirit and how to hear it

  • ​EXPLORE your five senses to wake up from the fog of life

  • ​START taking your place in your life, owning responsibility for what you’re creating

  • ​CELEBRATE the beautiful human you are

During this 14-Day Challenge you will…

About Lula Grace...

About Lula Grace...

Lula’s experience with energy began when she was a child. Her family was picnicking one afternoon alongside a canal.

She and her sister wandered too far out into the water and were pulled underneath the surface by the treacherous current. Out of the reach of their parents downstream and under water, Lula saw a tunnel of light with people in it guiding her. As if part of a great plan, an angel miraculously carried both of them to the shoreline, where a young man pulled them to safety and revived them.

Unbelievable? Not to Lula. And not to those who have experienced her energy work.

Lula sees energy - the darkness, the light, disruptions and more.

Energy exists beneath, through, and around the physical layers of the body and is organized into shapes, patterns, symbols, and numbers, among other things. Layers of energy exist on emotional and mental levels. They are layers of your deepest truth and identity. This combination is uniquely yours, and no one else can bring what you have to offer to this life.