We are a dynamic duo consisting of a grandmother and grandson,

driven by a shared passion for your development and influence.

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Meet Lula

Lula’s experience with energy began when she was but a child when her family had gone for a simple picnic alongside a canal. She and her sister had wandered out too far into the treacherous water and found themselves held underneath the surface in the current going downstream with her parents unable to reach them. At that moment, Lula can recall a tunnel of light with people there helping and teaching her. Then as if part of a great plan, an angel miraculously carried both of them to the shoreline, where a young man pulled them to safety and was able to revive them. Unbelievable? Not to Lula. And not to those who have experienced her energy work. How does she do it you may ask. She is allowed to see the energy, the darkness, the light, disruptions, and more. Energy exists beneath, thru, and around the physical layers of the body and is organized into shapes, patterns, symbols, and numbers, and more. Layers exist within the energy on the emotional and mental levels as well as varied and sacred layers of your deepest truth and identity. This combination is uniquely yours, and no one else can bring what you have to offer to this life. As a person grows, different aspects are intended to come to the forefront, and other aspects are intended to support this growth from the core or from an underlying standpoint. Like a tree that grows with powerful roots and a strong core to support mighty branches—the might of a peach tree or the might of a redwood tree—whatever size or shape your unique might is, there must be an underlying order for success in your physical life experience.


Meet Shain

Shain is a talented coach and mentor blessed with patience, kindness, and unconditional love. Shain immersed himself in the healing art early in his life and discovered his energetic gifts and a passion for helping people heal. Shain has a subtle but empowering way to spiritually touch your heart and awaken the soul. He has the wonderful ability to see people’s auras, work energetically and open up Chakras. Shain is also proficient in tatting, reflexology, feng shui, trauma release, and nutrient health. His true power is helping people connect and feel the love that surrounds them. Then he is available to help them heal. Shain continues gathering knowledge from source to source, gaining insight, and is always open to the opportunity of learning. He takes great pleasure in helping others to recall their a natural state, find their inner passion, and be well. Shain teaches you that you have the ability to soar to great heights if you only find the courage to do so. Once you dare to reach for your potential, we find that the universe will support you and your desires. Through the art of healing, we learn that the joy and freedom we gain through reaching for the stars is worth finding your own Oneness and being who you truly want to be. When finding your own “Oneness” you may often seem apart from the crowd, where their perspective can give you a better view of the big picture. It is important to learn that there is a time for force and a time for gentleness. There may also be a need to work at releasing past and repressed angers so that the heart is lighter and can soar to greater heights. Coming into your own Oneness teaches you to work towards releasing past hurts by embracing your inner core-self, by being willing to accept our emotions and heal.